DOI: 10.20937/ATM.53061

Letter from the Editor

Dear readers,

I have the pleasure to introduce this new issue of Atmósfera which this year, its 33rd since being founded by Dr. Julian Adem, has once again started publishing systematically eight papers per number. In particular, in this issue we have the great fortune to share editing responsibilities with Dr. Luisa Molina, a well renowned and much celebrated scientist and editor. The papers edited by her relate to issues associated with emissions of greenhouse gases and to methodologies to estimate them in Latin America. These papers provide methods that are very relevant to accurately measure emissions that aid in the estimates of national inventories and provide better tools for designing mitigation strategies.

We are very grateful to Dr. Molina for her time and expertise in editing the manuscripts received on the topic.

We also hope you enjoy the rest of this issue, which included articles associated with estimates of precipitation and its uncertainties and their role in water planning for irrigation. The two short contributions provide very relevant analysis and results on the climate and its variability in Mexico and Central America.

I remind you to visit the Early Release section of Atmósfera, where accepted papers are available to the community and can be fully cited, ahead of their formal copyediting and publishing. And finally, I would also like to mention the Opinion Section in which authors can publish short texts on current and relevant topics.

I thank you for your continued interest in Atmósfera, as reader, author and reviewer, and hope that you will continue supporting our efforts to provide a scientifically relevant, Open Access, and free of charge alternative to our community.


Best regards,

Dr. Graciela B. Raga

Editor in Chief