Contenido principal del artículo

Rosa María Fuentes Rivas
Germán Santacruz de León
José Alfredo Ramos Leal
Janete Morán Ramírez
Francisco Martín Romero


Most agricultural soils in semi-arid regions present a deficiency of organic matter (SOM). In order to improve this soil, wastewater is used due to its high organic carbon content. The objective of the present work was to characterize the dissolved organic matter in five residual water samples and ten soil samples from the agricultural area of the municipality of San Luis Potosí by 3D fluorescence spectroscopy. The changes in some physical and chemical properties of the soil were also analyzed. The soil samples were collected at different depths to observe the anthropogenic organic matter presence, their retention in the soil profile, their fluorescence intensity changes and their migration into the aquifer. Temperature, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, oxidation- reduction potential and total dissolved solids were determined in situ. The major anions and cations: Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, PO43–, SO42–, NO3–, NO2, were analysed in laboratory. The results show the great contribution of organic matter (>2020 mg/L) in the residual water used for irrigation, as well as, the low content of SOM. The physical and chemical results indicate that the high electrical conductivity of the water, represents a risk of salinization for soils, but not of short term sodicity. The 3D fluorescence spectra of the soil profile, shows the presence of humic and fulvic acids, aromatic proteins and products of microbial degradation. The latter observed in that depth where there is a greater percentage of clay.


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Biografía del autor/a

Rosa María Fuentes Rivas, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Mexico, Facultad de Geografía. Cerro de Coatepec s/n Ciudad Universitaria, Toluca estado de México, 50110, México. División de Geociencias Aplicadas, Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (IPICYT), Camino a la Presa San José 2055, Col. Lomas 4a. Sección, C.P. 78216 San Luis Potosí, SLP, Mexico.

Profesor Investigador, Facultad de Geografía, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.

Graduado del programa de doctorado de la División de Geociencias Aplicadas



Germán Santacruz de León, El Colegio de San Luis, C.A. (COLSAN). Parque de Macul, 155, Fracc. Colinas del Parque, San Luis Potosí, México, 78294, México.

Profesor Investigador, Programa Agua y Sociedad


José Alfredo Ramos Leal, División de Geociencias Aplicadas, Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (IPICYT), Camino a la Presa San José 2055, Col. Lomas 4a. Sección, C.P. 78216 San Luis Potosí, SLP, Mexico.

Profesor Investigador, División de Geociencias


Janete Morán Ramírez, División de Geociencias Aplicadas, Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (IPICYT), Camino a la Presa San José 2055, Col. Lomas 4a. Sección, C.P. 78216 San Luis Potosí, SLP, Mexico.

Graduado del programa de doctorado de la División de Geociencias Aplicadas


Francisco Martín Romero, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico (UNAM), Instituto de Geología. Avenida Universidad, 3000, Ciudad Universitaria, Coyoacán, Ciudad de México, 04510.

Profesor Investigador, Departamento de Geoquímica

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