The difference in air pollutants in typical northern and southern China coastal cities-Taking Shenzhen and Qingdao as examples

Contenido principal del artículo

Zike Zhao
Chunliang Chen
Lirong Zhao
Bo Yang


In 2018, four air pollutants in Qingdao and Shenzhen were comprehensively analyzed and evaluated according to the standards. According to the results, PM2.5 exceeded its standard by multiples of 1.11 and 1.03 in January and February, respectively, in Shenzhen, and the no-exceedance probability was 84.6%. However, the no-exceedance probability in Qingdao was only 50%. When the maximun index of ambient air quality was used to evaluate the above pollutants, the air pollutant in Shenzhen was NO2 from May to September and PM2.5 in other the months, but the pollutants in Qingdao were different each month. The distribution patterns of the monthly average mass concentration of the pollutants in Shenzhen and Qingdao were consistent with the seasonal distribution. The particulate matter in the air was still the focus of the government in Shenzhen. The sources of air pollutants in Qingdao were diverse, and most pollutants were related to energy combustion.


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Biografía del autor/a

Zike Zhao, Guangdong Ocean University,, Zhanjiang city 524088, China.

Technician,Analysis and Test Center, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang city 524088, China.

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