The optimal allocation method of resources based on the construction of rural ecological civilization
Contenido principal del artículo
Owing to the low rate of utilization of traditional rural resources, it is impossible to allocate resources in areas with a complex agricultural structure. Therefore, this work designs a new method of resource allocation based on the construction of rural ecological civilization. In this work the optimal model of resource allocation under the construction of the rural ecological civilization is designed, the matrix of data of the evaluation index is established and the dimensionless processing is carried out. According to the gray correlation model, the degree of correlation of each evaluation index is calculated, and then the evaluation obstacle factors are calculated, to obtain the evaluation index of the optimal allocation of rural resources. On this basis, objectives of optimization of construction resources are achieved, the principles of optimization of resources are clarified, and finally the optimal allocation of resources based on the construction of rural ecological civilization is realized. The applicability of this method is verified by example analysis. The rate of utilization of rural resources under this method is high. When the regional structure is complex, it can also maintain a good resource allocation effect, demonstrating that research results are of practical importance.
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