Contenido principal del artículo
The main purpose of this article is to analyze from a quantitative perspective, the textile transnational corporations (TNC) relationship with environment through a Delphi analysis. Our analysis has been applied with two panels composed of 55 experts with two multidisciplinary questionnaires with open questions, regarding the degree of affinity (test) to the proposals made. The presentation of the results obtained shows the lack of ethics on the part of companies within their relation with the environment. The incessant appropriation of natural resources but not of their impacts and sequels as well as the lack of diligence when pursuing environmental crimes bring out the delicate situation between the ETN and everything that stands in the way of their interests. Hence, it is necessary to know the risks and relationship of corporate social responsibility from a scientific methodology in order to reflect and modify future behaviors by production companies when interacting with the natural environment and assume real responsibilities through the proposal of action guides presented here.
Detalles del artículo
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