Guide for the identification and classification of chemical hazards in the workplace

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Andrea Guerrero-Mandujano
Mireille Gutiérrez-Mendoza
Nahim Rafael Tadeo-Jalife
Juan Alfredo Sánchez-Vázquez
Nora Alma Huitrón-Guzmán
Gabriel Alejandro Real-Ornelas


The use of chemical substances in the workplace carries an inherent risk that is seldom easily recognized, which is why this work aims to offer a guide for understanding the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and its application in the workplace. For practical purposes, the guide is divided into four stages. Stage I consists on the description and interpretation of the elements of the GHS. In stage II, the identification of the hazards that represent the chemical substances is carried out, in the next stage the hazard description is recorded and, in the fourth and final stage, the substances are classified based on their chemical compatibility and the risks they represent. Finally, some important considerations for the handling and storage of hazardous chemicals in the workplace are addressed.


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