State legislation for single-use plastics in Mexico: Which sectors are included?

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Alejandra Reyes Jaime
Alonso Aguilar Ibarra
Marisol Anglés Hernández
Leonor Patricia Güereca Hernández


In Mexico, there is a growing trend to reform the state waste management legislation to curb the dispersion of single-use plastics (P1U) and encourage waste reduction through co-responsibility actions. Currently, 29 of Mexico’s 32 states establish the participation of society’s sectors to motivate plastics governance in their laws. However, a national study is still needed to provide information on how responsibility is distributed within the legislation. Therefore, through network analysis, this study aimed to evaluate the diversity of actors and their inclusion as sectors within the legislation regulating P1U in Mexico. According to the research findings, Mexican state legislation aimed at reducing the spread of P1U relies primarily on economic measures targeting the distribution and commercialization sectors, accounting for 90% of the overall strategy.; however, the productive and academic sectors are underrepresented. This study presents a methodological proposal to provide a concise and schematic visualization of the diverse actors and sectors involved in the complex responsibility landscape for P1U reduction. The network analysis tool could be used to facilitate the task of decision-makers or for research that considers quantitative legislative review.


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