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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Before completing the submission of your manuscript, make sure you have entered all the metadata: Full name of ALL authors, institutions, countries and emails. Otherwise, your submission WILL NOT BE PROCESSED
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it being considered by another journal.
  • The submission file has been prepared using the template provided (for Word) or using Latex in a format compatible with the Author Guidelines. Upload a pdf version without security restrictions.
  • If the text was prepared without using the template provided (e.g. with latex) it adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements (including DOI when available) outlined in the Author Guidelines shown below.
  • In Comments to the Editor please include name, institution and e-mail address of at least three possible reviewers, who are from different institutions, not related with your research team and of recognized academic level.

ATMÓSFERA publishes Articles and Short contributions. The submission of a manuscript is assumed to indicate that no similar document has been submitted for publication elsewhere. Contributions should be written in English.

For submissions to the Opinion Section please first contact the Chief Editor at:  editora@atmosfera.unam.mx

Metadata Section

Add all the authors of your manuscript and complete the information requested for each one of them. Full first name and last name (do not use abbreviations); include also the full institution name and mailing address.

If they have an ORCID ID, please provide it as well following the example:



Manuscript Format 

Please download the Word template to submit your contribution following all submission guidelines for authors. Note that a Latex template is currently being prepared. 

Download Word Template

Follow the instructions in the template and upload ONLY the PDF version of your manuscript via the online submission.

Articles: Abstract must be less than 250 words, with a Spanish translation included when possible; body text up to 7500 words, including acknowledgments and appendixes, and excluding title, abstract, highlights, tables, figure captions and references. Up to 20 figures and tables, combined, can be included. Supplementary material may be added. 

Short contributions: Abstract must be less than 150 words with a Spanish translation of the same extent; body text up to 2500 words, including acknowledgments and appendixes, and excluding title, abstract, highlights, tables, figure captions and references. Up to five figures and tables, combined, can be included. 

Authors MUST suggest at least three potential reviewers in the section Comments to the Editor during the submissionn process.

If you chose not to use the Word template, adhere strictly to the following guidelines.

The manuscript should include: Title, authors’ names, affiliations; email of corresponding author, highlights, abstract, resumen (a Spanish translation of the abstract), body text, acknowledgments (optional), references, and appendixes (optional)  DO NOT WRITE THE ENTIRE TITLE IN CAPITAL LETTERS

Highlights:  Three to five bullet points should be included in a separate page after the title and authors, capturing the novel results of your research.  They are meant to be informative, targeted to a wider audience and short (less than 85 characters including spaces).  Highlights will improve the visibility of your results and potentially foster collaborations in a broader community. 

Graphical Abstract  is required, which should be a simple and illustrative figure or image (13 x10 cm) from the manuscript, which will be shown next to the title upon publication if submission is accepted.

Margins should be 2.5 cm, 1.5 line spacing, all pages and lines must be numbered; fonts 12 pts and Times New Roman. Footnotes to the text should be avoided. When symbols in mathematical work could be in doubt, the authors should submit a list identifying typographically the symbols used. Equations will be numbered in parenthesis to the right. A short title for headers must be included. 

The International System of Units (m, kg, s, K) must be written in their official abbreviation, and in superscripts: (μeq L–1 , mg L-1, J m–2, etc). Only standardized terms that have been generally accepted should be used. Unfamiliar abbreviations and acronyms must be defined when first used. Particular care should be taken to ensure that all symbols are clearly identified. The minus sign should be – (en dash). 

For Figures, when it refers to a figure the whole word is used: figure 1; when referring to it in parenthesis: (Fig. 1). Tables must be numbered in Roman numerals, either in parenthesis or without it: Table I or (Table I). 

References. Articles should be fully documented with references in the text and a reference listing ordered alphabetically by author’s names at the end of the manuscript. Within the text, when several references are cited they should be mentioned chronologically and separated with a semicolon (;). Digital object identifier (DOI) must be provided whenever the reference has it. 

References within the text, examples: 

The Colombian Caribbean coast has experimented the effect of several hurricanes, the most devastating being hurricane Joan in 1988 (Ortiz, 2012). 

Hurricane phenomenon has been studied by Ortiz (2012). 

Ortiz (2012) proposed one of the hurricane formation theories.

When a document has two authors, both must be mentioned, if an author uses his two last names, then they must be followed by a hyphen: 

The intra-seasonal oscillations have been studied by Torres-Pineda and Pabón-Caicedo (2017). 

Other studies (Masselink and Pattiaaratchi, 1998) demonstrate that during the marine breeze cycle, the wind has a maximum speed of 12 m s-1

When a document has three authors or more, et al. should be used: 

Ortiz et al. (2013) studied cold fronts in the Colombian Caribbean Sea. 

Extreme wave events and cold fronts were studied before (Ortiz et al., 2013). 

When the same author has different publications in the same year, letters must be used to distinguish them.

(Smith, 2001a; Smith, 2001b)

References must be cited chronologically; when different references are from the same year, they must be mentioned alphabetically. 

Articles “in press” can be cited and included in the reference section. 

Unpublished work can be cited as “unpublished data”, use the author’s initials and last name in the text. Do not include them in the reference section. 

Personal communications should be avoided; they can be mentioned as “pers. comm.” with the name’s initials, last name and year. 

Please do not quote internet links within the text, check the example given in the "Internet websites" section below.

In the Reference List 

Journals: List of authors (with initials). Publication year. Article title. Full name of the Journal, volume: page extents. doi (if available) 

Teke A, Yıldırım HB, Çelik Ö. 2015. Evaluation and performance comparison of different models for the estimation of solar radiation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 50:1097-1107. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2015.05.04 

Gray Literature: (e.g. patents, technical reports from agencies or research groups, working papers, white papers, preprints etc.) described thoroughly: Authors. Page/paper title. Publication date. Publisher name. URL (access date). Identification (e.g. patent or series) numbers. 

Dorch B. 2012. On the citation advantage of linking to data. hprints. Available at http://hprints.org/hprints-00714715 (accessed 2012 July 5) 


Johnson P. 2009. Fundamentals of collection development and management. Chicago: ALA Editions. 

Chapter of book: 

Hansen J, Lacis A, Rind D, Russell G, Stone P, Fung I, Ruedy R, Lerner J. 1984. Climate sensitivity: Analysis of feedback mechanisms. In: Hansen JE, Takahash T, eds. Climate processes and climate sensitivity. Washington: American Geophysical Union, 130-163. 

Thesis or Dissertations: 

Dagestad KF. 2005. Estimating global radiation at ground level from satellite images. Doctoral thesis, University of Bergen. 

According to the academic degree, consider: Bachelor thesis, Master’s thesis and Doctoral thesis. 

Internet websites: 

Johnson DL. 2008. Criteria guidelines for use in aerospace vehicle development. Available at http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20090022159_2009021428.pdf (accessed 2013 January 23)

AWS. 2022. Registry of open data on Amazon Web Services. Available at: https://registry.opendata.aws/ (accessed 19 September 2022)

Articles in proceedings:

Gallardo L, Córdova AM, Rojas M, Quintana J, Alcafuz R, Ramos I. 2004. Stratosphere-troposphere exchange (STE) over Easter Island and Cerro Tololo stations in South America: analysis and simulation of an intensive sounding campaign. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Conference. Christchurch. 

Carroll G, Charniak E. 1992. Two experiments on learning probabilistic dependency grammars from Corpora. In: The workshop on statistically-based natural language programming techniques. Menlo Park. 1-13. 

Official documents:

EPA. 2006. Environmental quality standards for drinking water quality (GB 5749-2006). China.


Consider the following formats for printted or online options.


IGN. 2015. Topographic map of Madrid, 1:50.000. Instituto Geográfico Nacional, Madrid, Spain.

Online map, include the last access to the URL:

GM. 2023. Toledo City. 1:30.000. Google Maps. [online] https://www.google.com/maps/place/Toledo/@39.8632522,-4.0328849,14.25z/ 24/10/2023