Analysis of model-based PM2.5 emission factors for on-road mobile sources in Mexico
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This study investigates the effects of using the US-EPA MOVES2010a model for estimating PM2.5 emission factors in the Mexican vehicle fleet; the results are compared with the current PM2.5 emissions estimates in the 2005 Mexican National Emissions Inventory (MNEI). Our results show that model-based PM2.5 emissions factors updated from recent studies can have significant impacts on the estimated PM2.5 emissions from mobile sources in Mexico. Higher fractions of older vehicles tend to increase PM2.5 emissions estimates using MOVES2010a with respect to the 2005 MNEI estimates; however, the overall impact on PM emissions varies depending on the vehicle population and vehicle age composition for each Mexican state fleet. These effects are primarily driven by the higher PM2.5 emission factors from the gasoline-powered vehicles and by the high fractions of older gasoline and diesel vehicles. The results also indicate that the estimated MOVES2010a PM2.5 emission factors for Mexico were particularly sensitive to vehicle speed, ambient temperature and sulfur content, but not the relative humidity. There is a strong need to better understand the characteristics of fine particulate matter (PM) emitted from gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles in major urban areas in Mexico.
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